If you think that at some point in your life you will have to reorient your professional career, either out of conviction or necessity, be sure to read this post, in it we will give you some clues on how to do it in the best conditions
3 keys to refocus your professional career

Probably you will have to refocus your professional career soon. It is possible that you have had to do it at some time in your life, surely not long ago. What I am clear about is that most professionals are going to have to refocus their careers in the short term. Some will do it out of conviction because they want a better situation in their professional career because they want to improve their results or be happier. Others will do it out of necessity because they have no other choice because they have been fired or because their company has closed. In any case, REFOCUSING THE PROFESSIONAL CAREER IS GOING TO BE ESSENTIAL FOR MANY PROFESSIONALS IN THE COMING YEARS. With such a changing environment (new technologies, covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and others) many of the professional functions may have to adapt to this environment. Some people will simply have to adjust some things, what is called “fine tuning“, that is, adapting to the situation and correcting it little by little. Others, on the contrary, will have to make an important professional change, a full-fledged reinvention with profound changes in their career. I wrote a couple of years ago about professional reinvention in this post: You will have to reinvent yourself.

And I wanted to share with you 3 ideas so that, when you have to reorient yourself, you can do it in the best conditions. Whether they are small changes or adaptations or radical changes, I advise you to take into account these 3 KEYS TO REFOCUS YOUR PROFESSIONAL CAREER.

  1. EASE: analyze your professional experience well and discover what tasks you have developed with ease. What challenges have you achieved without too much effort? What kind of activities has been easy for you to carry out? What actions have come naturally, comfortably?
  2. EXCELLENCE: I also suggest analyzing those activities that you have performed excellently in your professional career. Actions with which you have positively surprised other people, perhaps even yourself. Review really successful actions or challenges achieved with great results
  3. HAPPINESS: I also recommend that you analyze well those moments in which you have been really happy in your professional career. Review well on what days or what moments you have really enjoyed your work. In what actions have you been really happy?

I suggest that you write down in 3 columns what activities you have done with ease. In what type of actions have you achieved brilliant results and in what moments have you enjoyed the most. Analyze what they have in common, what kind of function allows you to align these 3 elements, and think about the future. Analyze different challenges and check to what extent you think they are related to actions that you have carried out easily in the past, have achieved great results, and have made you happy.

Take time to think about these 3 areas, ease, excellence, and happiness. They will help you in your next professional reorientation (I dare say it will be sooner rather than later). And remember the wise advice of Steve Jobs “the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you have not yet found, keep looking; don’t settle.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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