Today is my 48th birthday. And to celebrate it, I want to share with you the 48 management books that have inspired me the most. (alphabetical order; and also the Spanish version).
- Authentic hapiness. 2002. Marting E. P. Seligman
- Awaken the giant within. 1991. Tony Robbins
- Blink. 2005. Malcom Gladwell
- Book yourself solid – Michael Port
- Branding yourself. 2013. Erick Deckers & Kyle Lacy
- Drive. 2009. Daniel H. Pink
- Emotional intelligence. 1995. Daniel Goleman
- Getting from college to career. 2007. Lindsey Pollak
- First break all the rules. 1999. Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman
- Flow. 1990 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Free agent nation. 2001. Daniel H. Pink.
- Good to great. 2001. Jim Collins
- How to win friends and influence people. 1936. Dale Carnegie
- How will you measure your life? 2012. Clayton M. Christensen
- Influence. 1984. Robert B. Cialdini
- It’s the manager. 2019. Jim Clifton & Jim Harter
- Man’s search for meaning. 1946. Viktor J. Frankl
- Mindset. 2006. Carol S. Dweck
- Never eat alone. 2005. Keith Ferrazzi
- Now, discover your strengths. 2001. Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton
- Outliers. 2008. Malcom Gladwell
- Peak. 2016. Anders Ericsson
- Platform. 2012. Michael Hyatt
- Positioning. 1980. Al Ries & Jack Trout
- Primal Leadership. 2001. Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie Mckee
- Shoe dog – 2016. Phil Knight
- Soar with your strengths. 1992. Donald O. Clifton
- Start with why. 2009. Simon Sinek
- Steve Jobs. 2011. Walter Isaacson
- Strengths based leadership. 2008. Tom Rath
- The brand you. 1999. Tom Peters
- The coaching habit. 2016. Michael Bungay Stanier
- The competent manager. 1982. Richard Boyatzis
- The element. 2009. Sir Ken Robinson
- The genius in all of us. 2010. David Shenk
- The how of happiness. 2007. Sonja Lyubomirsky
- The monk who sold his Ferrari. 1996. Robin S. Sharma
- The one thing you need to know. 2005. Marcus Buckingham
- The start-up of you. 2012. Reid Hofmann & Ben Casnocha
- The success principles. 2004. Jack Canfield
- The 7 habits of highly effective people. 1989. Stephen R. Covey
- The 8 traits successful people have in common. 2005. Richard St. John
- Think and grow rich. 1937. Napoleon Hill
- Toward a psychology of being. 1962. Abraham Maslow
- Unlimited power. 1986. Tony Robbins
- What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School. 1984. Mark H. McCormack
- Winners. 2015. Alastair Campbell
- Winning. 2005. Jack Welch
And I end this selection of 48 books with a quote that perfectly sums up my passion for reading. It is from Garrison Keillor, an American author, narrator, and humorist. “A book is a gift that you can open again and again”