6 ways to enhance your professional development (Part II)

In the previous post, I talked about strategies to promote to enhance your professional development, let's see some more below.
6 maneras de potenciar tu desarrollo profesional parte II

Do you remember my last post? I spoke to you about how important professional development and growth is in this regard, and that if you want to improve as a professional, you must bet on your development.

Along these lines, I had spoken to you about strategies to be promoted, such as reading, listening to podcasts and continuous training. Let’s see some more strategies below.

  • Coaching / Mentoring: As you know, I am passionate about studying great professionals. I have always had a great interest in analyzing the lives of very successful people in different fields (management, sports, politics …). And one of the common characteristics that I have identified among these authentic cracks is that almost all of them have worked with coaches and / or mentors. Having someone to accompany you in your growth is great. In my first years as a professional I have been fortunate to have some people who have helped me a lot. Some former teachers, some family member, some contact, with whom I had the immense fortune to be able to talk many times about my professional development. I came out of these meetings extremely motivated and they made me consider some ideas that were later decisive in my career. Later, as I have grown older and gained more experience, I have opted to hire professional coaches and mentors. High-level people, who help me grow. I recommend that you find a coach or mentor as soon as possible. Start at the level you consider appropriate, but as you grow, bet on more recognized professionals. When you bet on high-level coaches or mentors, the financial investment is high; But I can assure you that the experience is very worthwhile. The return on investment made is extraordinary.
  • Mastermind: This concept was created by one of my favorite authors Napoleon Hill. In his magnificent book “Think and Grow Rich” (published in 1937), he introduced the concept of mastermind. It is a group of people who meet physically or virtually to achieve a goal. It is also another characteristic shared by many of the most successful people in different fields. In the United States, their practice is much more common than in Spain. In recent years I have been fortunate to participate actively and continuously in different masterminds (all of them outside of Spain). And I can guarantee that it is a great experience. Spending time with people who are dedicated to your same professional activity is a real luxury. The problems or challenges you face are surely the same as other colleagues in other parts of the world. Learn from everyone, learn about our best practices, mistakes, new ideas with which to enhance our activity … And many of these masterminds are free. Surely, if you investigate, you will possibly find a mastermind in your professional field.
  • Reciprocal mentoring: it is a very interesting form of professional development. It is about discovering a professional of level that is dedicated to your same or similar professional activity and helping each other. Some of these professionals may also be part of the mastermind. It is about organizing periodic meetings (physical or virtual). And in these meetings, we share experiences and good practices. In one part of the meeting one of the people explains her challenges and / or problems and the other tries to help her. And later in reverse. It is infinitely easier to help others than to help yourself. (I always say that you can be a very good hairdresser but cutting your hair yourself is not easy). It is not easy to find someone who you admire and respect a lot at a professional level and who in turn admires and respects you. And who also wants to share confidential information with you, help you and let you help him. I have had and I am lucky to do this practice with some professionals and it is great and very useful for my professional development.

In short, great ways to enhance your professional development. Choose some of them and start as soon as possible. Because as my friend, the writer and coach Francisco Alcaide says, “your professional development is your destiny”.

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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