Advertising is the tax paid by mediocre products

Is your product or service excellent? Because if it is, you will save a lot of money on advertising. In today's post I give you some thoughts on this.
Advertising is the tax paid by mediocre products

I have always been fascinated by this quote: “advertising is the tax paid by mediocre products.” Although it is not clear who created it, many attribute it to the renowned advertiser David Ogilvy. It is also said that Steve Jobs used it frequently. In Spain, the great publicist Toni Segarra had it in his repertoire. I love it because it sums up a very powerful idea: FOCUS ON CREATING A GREAT PRODUCT OR EXCELLENT SERVICE, AND YOU WON’T HAVE TO ADVERTISE IT TOO MUCH. Consumers will be so satisfied that they will recommend your brand to others.

This idea also applies perfectly to the world of personal branding. Here are SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE MATTER:

  1. Difficulty of standing out with advertising: In an environment with as much communication as today, standing out through advertising is becoming increasingly difficult.
  2. Trust in recommendations: People increasingly believe more in the opinions of others (peer recommendation) than in advertising.
  3. Cost of advertising: Advertising can increase the price of products and services, as the cost of advertising campaigns is usually high and must be passed on to the products.
  4. Advertising as a complement: Advertising can be a good complement, not a substitute. A good product with an appropriate advertising strategy can achieve success more easily. Great brands like Tesla and Apple have done very little advertising compared to the notoriety and prestige they have achieved.
  5. Perception of professionals: When I see some professionals investing money in constantly advertising themselves on social media, I think it slightly devalues them. They need advertising to reach their target audience massively, which conveys a certain impersonality. Moreover, if you want to reach a lot of people, your product or service will not be perceived as so exclusive or high-quality.
  6. Investment in social media: Many professionals do not invest in advertising but do spend a lot of time on social media and digital marketing in general. From my humble point of view, this can be counterproductive. It can give the impression that you spend more time on social media than actually working on providing your service or training. It can also seem like you are desperate to find clients or new professional challenges.

I advocate for having a certain presence in the media, but without overdoing it. Be selective, betting more on quality than quantity. Do not devalue yourself and protect your prestige. Focus on offering a quality product or service. I assure you it will be worth it.

As marketing guru Philip Kotler said,

“The best advertising is done by satisfied customers.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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