Don't miss this post, in it I tell you why attitude is almost everything in any area of life.

It is increasingly clear to me that attitude is everything, or rather, almost everything. Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.” And I cannot agree more. Attitude makes a big difference. If you have the right attitude, you can achieve great results. You can overcome the difficulties that life gives you much more easily. Having the right attitude is essential in any area of life.


  • REGARDING KNOWLEDGE, your attitude will largely determine your level of knowledge. Currently, those who do not study, those who do not learn are because they do not want to. Fortunately, in recent years the right to study and learn has been “democratized” to the maximum. There are numerous platforms (such as Coursera, Udemy…) that provide high-level training very cheaply or for free. Most training centers have good scholarship programs to facilitate access to training for everyone. The Internet is also an inexhaustible and free source of knowledge. Anyone who has any training needs, with the right attitude, will surely find a way to acquire the knowledge they need.
  • REGARDING SKILLS, it happens similarly. People who have a great attitude will find a way to develop their skills. With the right attitude, they will convince other people to give them opportunities to develop their skills. They will invest time and enthusiasm in developing appropriate behaviors. As it is commonly said, “The best way to develop a skill is to be passionate about it.”

If you have the right attitude, you will surely be able to obtain the knowledge that interests you and develop the skills that you want to enhance. In this sense, I like Victor Kuppers famous quote in this regard, “Knowledge and skills add up, attitude multiplies.”

IN ALL AREAS, HAVING AN APPROPRIATE ATTITUDE IS KEY. In the field of studies, if a student is struggling but has a great attitude, the teacher will surely treat him or her well and help him or her. In the professional field, those workers with a great attitude stand out immediately. In a work world where demotivation is often very present, professionals with great attitude immediately stand out. We all like to surround ourselves with workers with a great attitude. The same thing happens in sports. There are few things more comforting than training someone who has a very good attitude (and on the other hand, few things are more demotivating than training someone who does not have the right attitude). I could continue with different areas explaining that having an attitude makes a big difference.

So now you know, think carefully about with which attitude you face your main challenges as it will be truly decisive for whether you can overcome them or not. And I end this post with a quote from the American music composer John Mitchell, “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude toward us.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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