Don’t avoid change
In this post we want to vindicate the force of change, changing and reinventing yourself in every way, managing how and when well, can give you new perspectives and opportunities that you will not know if you do not explore them.
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”
In this post we want to vindicate the force of change, changing and reinventing yourself in every way, managing how and when well, can give you new perspectives and opportunities that you will not know if you do not explore them.
In this post we give 5 ideas for you to live authentically and seek happiness as the central axis of your life, implanting them in the rest of your life should be your priority, we hope it is not too late, you sign up!
Today’s post is the continuation of the previous one and in it we have just explained some of Michael Port’s tips to align your business and professional activity with the lifestyle you want.
In this post we explain some of Michael Port’s tips to accompany leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals to think big about who they are, and what they offer to the world and thus be able to design their business and professional activity so that it is at the service of the lifestyle what they want
In today’s post we talk about the importance of avoiding mistakes for improvement in any discipline and of humanity in short, and we talk about the use of the checklist to achieve it and thus be more successful.
In today’s post, our Guest Blogger Elena Armaiz, a psychologist specialized in talent and professional development, tells us about how important it is to put our talent to work and gives us some ideas to achieve it successfully. Thank you Elena for your advice.
In this post I want to share some of the best management books that have accompanied me in the 48 years that I am celebrating today, without a doubt, many of them essential for your personal brand.
In this post we explain the importance of networking and taking action in the correct management of your contacts to reinforce your personal brand, not only with digital tools, also as a contact sport.
If you think that at some point in your life you will have to reorient your professional career, either out of conviction or necessity, be sure to read this post, in it we will give you some clues on how to do it in the best conditions
And continuing with last week’s post, today we leave you with the following 5 ideas of the 10 that we proposed to successfully achieve the important challenge of finding a new job or project.