
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

What High Performing Teams Do Differently
Be diferent

What High Performing Teams Do Differently

In today’s post, our March Guest Blogger David Burkus, consultant, writer and speaker specializing in business and leadership, will explain what high-performance teams do differently. Thank you David for your interesting advice.

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Leadership in times of crisis

Leadership in times of crisis

Leading has never been an easy challenge, much less in such a prolonged situation of crisis and uncertainty as the current one, which is why we think you should rethink your leadership to adapt and improve, and in this post we leave you with some advice on what your needs are followers and how to deal with them.

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The 6 big changes in people management

The 6 big changes in people management

Everything has changed a lot in recent years and in this new era that we live in we must change the way we manage people, that is why in this post we suggest some of the changes that we think may be definitive to improve your results.

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The long game

The long game

In this post, we review this fantastic book by Dorie Clark, and summarize 8 powerful ideas to help you achieve your long-term goals combined with your short-term goals, successfully and meaningfully.

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How to write
add value

How to write

In today’s post we are talking about an increasingly important competition in the professional world, writing well, not only to improve your personal brand and leadership, but also to persuade others, and we do it with 10 tips from the renowned publicist David Ogilvy.

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Brands do not expire
add value

Brands do not expire (at least the real ones)

In today’s post we introduce you to our Guest Blogger Allan Loría, Coach of soft skills, expert in communication, leadership and personal branding, who will explain, through an interesting story, why brands do not expire. Thanks Allan for your great reflections.

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Know, like, trust

Know, like, trust

In today’s post we are talking about the KLT factor, because for someone to hire you, he/she has to know you, he/she has to like you and he/she has to trust you, 3 essential requirements for you to be able to do successful business, find work or find interesting projects.

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Mirror neurons
Emotional intelligence

Mirror neurons

In this post we explain what mirror neurons are and how they work, and the importance of acting in one way or another to influence the behavior of others.

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Pressure 021121
Emotional intelligence


In today’s post we want to explain how very low or very high levels of pressure are not positive for anyone, you should try to place yourself in an intermediate point and you will increase the results and well-being, yours and those around you.

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Leadership is doing the right things

Leadership is doing the right things

Most of the problems that we are experiencing as a society have to do with the absence of leadership, so I recommend that, as a leader, you take time to meditate on your actions and the decisions that you must make.

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