6 ways to enhance your professional development (Part II)
In the previous post, I talked about strategies to promote to enhance your professional development, let’s see some more below.
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”
In the previous post, I talked about strategies to promote to enhance your professional development, let’s see some more below.
The criteria we use to make decisions are those that shape our lives, and are nothing more than understanding how and to whom we pay attention, that is, what and to whom we dedicate time.
Do you know what key aspects we must keep in mind to become “Best Leaders”, in this post I leave you some clues.
Last week I started this double post on talent trends for a new decade, today I just explained.
Success has been perseverance, but what really differentiates the great achievers is not so much knowing how to persevere or not, but knowing when to persevere and when to quit.
Leadership, a difficult concept to define, very identifiable in my understanding with the concept of influence, do you know how to influence others?