In this post I explain what general intelligence is made up of, according to one of the best-known psychological theories of British psychologist Raymond Cattell.

Fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence is one of the many theories of intelligence in psychology, which I find very interesting to take into account in your professional career, and for this reason, I am sharing this post with you. Fluid intelligence implies the ability to reason and think flexibly, while crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills that are acquired throughout life.

The theory of fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence was first proposed by the US-based British psychologist Raymond Cattell. His groundbreaking theory states that intelligence is made up of different abilities that interact and work together to produce a general individual intelligence. According to Cattell:

  • FLUID INTELLIGENCE as “the ability to perceive relationships independent of prior practice or specific instruction about those relationships.” Fluid intelligence involves being able to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is considered independent of learning, experience, and education. When you come across an entirely new problem that you can’t solve with your existing knowledge, you have to rely on your fluid intelligence to solve it. Some examples of fluid intelligence can be: devising strategies to solve problems, interpreting statistics, philosophical reasoning, or solving abstract problems. Fluid intelligence tends to decline during late adulthood. Certain cognitive abilities associated with fluid intelligence also tend to decline as people reach adulthood.
  • CRYSTALLIZED INTELLIGENCE implies “knowledge that comes from previous learning and past experiences.” Crystallized intelligence is based on facts and is rooted in experiences. As we age and accumulate new knowledge and understanding, crystallized intelligence grows stronger. Some examples of crystallized intelligence can be: memorizing text or vocabulary, remembering how to do something, remembering dates and places… This type of intelligence tends to increase with age. The more learning and experience you have, the more you will develop your crystallized intelligence.

Fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence form what Cattell called GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. While fluid intelligence involves our current ability to reason and manage the complex information surrounding us, crystallized intelligence involves learning, knowledge, and skills acquired throughout life.

Fluid and crystallized intelligence tend to change throughout life, with certain mental abilities peaking at different points. Some aspects of fluid intelligence can peak as late as the age of 40. Crystallized intelligence tends to peak later in life around age 60 or 70. In other words, young people can think quickly and remember facts. But older people are the only ones capable of better understanding and applying that knowledge.

If your professional career depends on fluid intelligence, you’re bound to experience some disappointment, especially as you get older. But if your professional career is based on crystallized intelligence, you may find deep fulfillment and professional success in the second part of your professional career.

Therefore, instead of lamenting the decline of your fluid intelligence, enjoy your growing crystallized intelligence, and take advantage of this unique gift to leave a positive impact on others.

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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