How to be happier at work

Do you have a meaningless job that doesn't make you happy? Be sure to read this post, with some reflections and advice on the matter.

One of the most important aspects of being happy in life is to have a meaningful job, a job that gives you good levels of happiness. As seems logical, numerous scientific studies have shown that the level of satisfaction with your job and the level of satisfaction with your life are positively related. In fact, we spend almost a third of our lives working and, therefore, the satisfaction we have in this area has a great influence on our overall happiness.

One of the great experts on happiness, Arthur Brooks, has thoroughly investigated the relationship between work and happiness. In this sense, his findings are frankly interesting.

At a general level, happiness at work is not at all related to a specific type of job, a specific salary level, or a specific prestige. What’s more, Brooks has discovered that the happiest jobs have nothing in common. On the other hand, he has also discovered that the unhappiest jobs are also not related to income level, professional category, or other elements. His most important conclusion in this regard is that the level of happiness depends on you, not on a specific job. Along these lines, he recommends that to have a professional career that makes you happy, you must first know and understand yourself well.

Additionally, Brooks recommends in his magnificent book “Build the life you want4 CHALLENGES TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE HIGHER LEVELS OF HAPPINESS WITH YOUR WORK:

  1. SET GOALS FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL CAREER. The first step to having greater happiness in your professional life is to clarify your goals. In this sense, he recommends not only focusing on extrinsic rewards such as salary, status, or recognition but above all focusing on intrinsic rewards (that is, satisfaction with the task to be performed, a sense of fulfillment or satisfaction with the job). To do this, rely on 2 key concepts. The first is earned success. It has to do with finding ways to do your job better, to improve your performance, whether it entails external rewards (salary increase, promotion…) or not. The second concept is service to others. That is, the feeling that your work is making the world a better place. Brooks often says, “The more control you have over your life, the more responsible you feel for your successes and failures.”
  2. CAREER PATH. Many people try to follow a linear path. That is, they rise in level of responsibility and salary while they can, focusing all their happiness on extrinsic rewards. Brooks’ research shows that this type of career, focused on external rewards, usually reduces happiness levels. Brooks recommends other options such as transitory careers (when the person changes jobs from time to time based on criteria such as lifestyle, geographic location, or social life), and spiral careers (they are small careers that change radically from time to time). Brooks recommends always being attentive to the signals that occur within you. When you receive a new professional opportunity, think about whether it excites you, scares you, or relieves you. It will help you make better decisions that make you happier.
  3. AVOID WORK ADDICTION. Work addiction is a very important addiction today and usually has disastrous consequences in terms of health, family… leading to much lower levels of happiness. Brooks is committed to ensuring that you carefully control how much time you dedicate to work and leisure, family, sports… Analyze it well, you may be surprised. Brooks also advises that you reserve time in your schedule for activities that don’t have to do with work. Workaholics who can improve their addiction achieve significant improvements in their happiness. As Brooks says “Workaholism feeds fear and loneliness. And loneliness and fear fuel workaholism.”
  4. IDENTITY. Many people, when asked what they do, respond with their profession. That is, your job or your professional role becomes your identity. You are much more than your professional title or your job obligations. As Arthur says, “You are not your job.” Brooks states that this concept is known as “self-objectification.” Brooks recommends avoiding this self-objectification. Bet on you putting some space between your work and your life. And, that you have good moments of disconnection: dedicate time each day to activities that have nothing to do with your work, make good use of weekends or disconnect thoroughly on vacation. As Brooks often says, “If God rests from work, maybe you should, too”.

Well, you now have 4 ideas that can help you be happier in your professional life (and consequently in your life). I end with a quote from Arthur Brooks that I love

“Happiness predicts success. Success does not predict happiness. You have to get causality right and take your happiness more seriously than anything else.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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