It is very possible that when you read this post, you are looking for a job, either because you have been fired, because you think they are going to do it shortly or simply because you want a professional change. In any case, finding job in such a complex environment is not an easy challenge.
How to find a job

Today the theme of my post is on How to find a job. As I mentioned a few weeks ago in my post “The perfect storm, the labor market is experiencing a very difficult time. As a result of the health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19, unemployment levels are going to increase considerably in most countries (remember Pilar Llacer’s post “You know you are going to be fired”).

Therefore, it is very possible that when you read this post, you are looking for a job, either because you have been fired, because you think they are going to do it short term … or simply because you want a professional change. In any case, finding a job in such a complex environment is not an easy challenge.

To help you achieve this, the first idea that I would like to share with you is that “finding a job is above all a challenge of contacting people”. I mean contacting people you know, people who you can get to know; people who in some way can help you in this challenge. There are different studies that estimate that between 74% and 85% of jobs are never published. This means that 4 out of 5 jobs will remain hidden and will only be filled through personal contacts. In this sense, connecting with the right people is essential to find your new job.

The second idea is that “the challenge of finding a job usually occurs in 5 stages”:

  1. Define the job you want: first of all, you must be clear about what type of job you are looking for. I mean to make it clear what positions, what kind of companies, what sectors … can be a good fit with your motivations, your talents, your professional experience and your skills. And above all, be clear about what type of projects fit your vision of the future. I dare to say that this first stage is the most difficult for most professionals. Therefore, I recommend that before you start, take the time to get to know yourself better as a preliminary step to define what professional project you are going to seek.
  2. Find opportunities and contacts: once you are clear about what you are going to look for, you must spend time finding opportunities. Some of them through advertisements, online portals, recruitment companies … and many others (remember the statistic of 4 out of 5) will be hidden. So spend time networking, contacting people who can help you in your process, make direct contact with headhunters and employers … Take action. At this time your job (whether full time if you are unemployed or part time if you are working) is to find a job.
  3. Apply to job offers: at this stage what you should do is contact companies in relation to opportunities that are available. And when I use the verb apply, I don’t just mean filling out forms. I also mean picking up the phone and calling, sending emails, private messages on social networks. In short, contact those who can hire you. Keep track of all the opportunities you apply to, and when you apply. Review your Curriculum Vitae well, that it is updated and has a modern image. That it is well detailed in each of your formative stages and of your professional responsibilities, briefly explaining your functions, responsibilities, milestones achieved … Be consistent, precise and clear when explaining your life path (yes, curriculum vitae means your life path).
  4. Conduct interviews: the next challenge is to turn these contacts into interviews. Interviews can be formal or informal, in person or on the phone or online. Prepare thoroughly for interviews. Find out who is the person who will interview you, research the company in general and the position offered in particular. Find out if you have contacts in the company or in its environment that can help you in the selection process. In the interviews you must understand the needs of the employer and above all demonstrate how you can meet their needs. Make them see that you are a great option to solve the challenge they have. Be honest and sincere, and only advance on those projects that perfectly match your talents, motivations, and values. In addition, I recommend that you follow up, not only in this stage of the process, but in every stage (although in this stage is really essential). And most importantly, your attitude. If you have reached the interview, objectively you can have a good fit in the project. So, stand out from other candidates with a great attitude: clearly show your motivation and your professionalism.
  5. Get the job (or not): it is the last stage of the process. You are in it if you have successfully passed one or more interviews. Once you become the chosen option, you will receive an offer and, in some cases, you will be able to negotiate, qualify and perhaps rethink some details. In the event that you do not receive the offer and your application is finally rejected, I encourage you to contact the employer to find out why they have not opted for your application. You will receive interesting information to manage the job search process. And above all do not give up. Probably you will be discarded a few times before being hired.

5 stages that you will have to face properly if you want to find a new job. I finish this post wishing you good luck and success (you will need them) in your new job search project. And I share a quote from Seth Godin that I love:The time to look for a new job is when you don’t need a new job”.

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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