If you are looking forward to improve in any personal or professional field, in this post you will find some tips that can help you to achieve it.
Keys to improve your results

I recently achieved one of the challenges that I was most excited about: making par on the course while playing golf. Yes, I know it’s nothing important, but it has made me very happy. And it has made me think, WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO ACHIEVING GREAT RESULTS. I wanted to share with you these ideas:

  1. IF YOU ARE NOT PASSIONATE YOU WILL HAVE DIFFICULTIES IMPROVING YOUR RESULTS. To have great results in any field, you must love doing the activity. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to get much better at something if you don’t love it. If you are passionate about it, it will be easier for you to find the time to do the activity. You will do the impossible to dedicate time to it, to try to improve you will be motivated and have the necessary energy to achieve better and better results.
  2. IF YOU WANT DIFFERENT RESULTS DO DIFFERENT THINGS. To improve you must change. When you are already at a certain level of results or when you are in a comfort zone you should start thinking about what you can change to have better results. What strategies, what actions can give you a small qualitative leap. Dare with them. Surely at first, you will be uncomfortable, since many changes entail difficulties, but in the medium and long term they will allow you to level up.
  3. USE THE RIGHT TOOLS. In golf, as in any activity, having the right tools is key. Think carefully if the tools you use are suitable or not. 1 year ago, I changed clubs. At first, it was hard to get used to the new clubs but after this phase, it has allowed me to improve my game.
  4. SUCCESS REQUIRES LONG-TERM THINKING. Most great results require a lot of time, years of work, and dedication. “Sudden” or “overnight” successes are not true in most cases. If you analyze in detail, the person who has achieved success in their activity has been working hard for years, although many times we only look at the final part (success). So think long term to get great results.
  5. DEDICATE MANY HOURS. One of the best ways to improve at any activity is to spend more time on it. If you want to improve something, think about how you can dedicate more time to it. Investing many hours is an essential requirement to achieve better results.
  6. HIRE A COACH. In Spain, we have the mentality that we must face our challenges individually, alone, without external help. On the other hand, in the United States, the figure of the trainer, coach, or similar is much more entrenched. People are clear that, to achieve better results in any activity, they need a coach. In my case, after many years without taking golf lessons, I have hired a golf coach and in just a few sessions he has helped me a lot to improve my level. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
  7. POSITIVE RESULTS ARE THE CONSEQUENCE OF DOING THINGS WELL. We live in a very results-focused society. Sometimes it makes us lose focus on the road, in the process. So why not forget about results for a bit and focus on doing better? Doing an activity better is the shortest path to get better results.
  8. LUCK. To succeed you also need a bit of luck. Alex Rovira, author of “Good Luck” said that luck is key but I know that it can be limited. He was saying that luck at the end is a formula like luck = 1 / n, that is, the importance of luck decreases as your preparation (n) increases. That is, you will always need to be lucky, but as the great golfer Gary Player said “The more I practice, the luckier I get”.

I finish with a quote from Colin Powell that perfectly sums up what I wanted to convey to you with this post “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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