Land the job (or project) you deserve (part I)

Have you ever faced the important challenge of finding a new job or project? In today's post we advance the first 5 ideas of the 10 that we propose to achieve it.
Land the job (or project) you deserve (part I)

We are in an increasingly changing and volatile world. In this complex environment, experts say that you will change jobs at least 10 times throughout your professional life. Probably you have already had a few changes… and you will have more changes too in the future. Statistics also point out that the average length of your jobs is going to be 4 years. So it means that, probably you will be fired soon or you will have to look for a new job for different reasons. In addition, it is estimated that between 74% and 85% of the offers are hidden, that is, they do not appear publicly and are only covered through personal contacts.

And for many people, looking for a new job or a new project can be a very important challenge. Most professionals in this situation say they don’t know where to start. In addition, they recognize that there is a lot of work to be done but they are not clear on how to do it. And also, in many cases, motivation and confidence tend to weaken, and make the challenge of finding work more difficult.

I recommend enhance your personal branding and these 10 STEPS TO LAND THE JOB OR PROJECT YOU DESERVE:

  1. DEFINE THE JOB YOU WANT. It is the first step. Be clear about what you are looking for. Basically, it is about defining the position, the type of organization, the sector of activity in which you want to work. It is also essential to be clear in which geographical location you want to find the job, if you are looking for a face-to-face, remote or hybrid project, and what hours you want to have. Also, what skills and abilities do you want to be able to develop in your new project. In this sense, I advise you to be realistic and ambitious at the same time.
  2. DEFINE YOUR STRATEGY WELL. Once you have defined the job you want and before you start looking for opportunities, you must work out your strategy well. Strategy is nothing more than how you will do it, what path you will follow to get the desired job. In this sense, you must analyze well what your strengths and weaknesses are. What opportunities and threats are in your environment. What is going to be your competitive advantage: that is, why should they give you the job or project and not another professional. I also recommend that you think about what you are going to differentiate yourself from and if it makes sense for you to specialize in a specific field. And above all, be very clear about who you are going to help, what challenge you are going to achieve (or what problem you are going to eliminate) and how you are going to do it (your method).
  3. DEFINE YOUR MESSAGE. Once you have defined your strategy, you must turn it into a message. You must be very clear about what you are going to share with others. How you will value everything you have studied or how you will capitalize on your professional experience. How to put “black on white” all your potential. Your talents and strengths, your motivations, your competitive advantage…
  4. PREPARE YOUR TOOLS. And with the message well defined, you must prepare your tools. There are many, but I prefer 2. The Resume and your LinkedIn profile. Yes, I know that the resume is not as decisive as it was years ago, but it continues to be an important element in the job search. And LinkedIn is becoming the best platform for finding the job you want.
  5. FIND OPPORTUNITIES. First, compare your strategy with real opportunities. That is, check if there are projects on the market like the one you are looking for. Identify what characteristics they have, what skills and abilities they demand, as well as the experience and training requested. You have to know what keywords recruiters are using. In which sectors or in which location are the jobs you are looking for developed. Many times, spending time looking for opportunities can cause you to tweak your strategy or even radically change it.

And not to get too long, I leave the 5 ideas that are missing for my next post Land the job (or project) you deserve (part II), don’t miss it!

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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