In this post we talked about a theory of Howard Gardner that revolutionized the concept of human intelligence, and that explained that this concept is difficult to analyze only with the IQ.
Multiple intelligences

This year, one of my favorite books, Multiple Intelligences, turns 40. In 1983, the North American psychologist Howard Gardner published the mentioned book and supposed a true revolution in the concept of human intelligence.

Until the moment, scientists had considered that human intelligence could be measured and categorized in a general way through intelligence quotient (IQ) tests. However, the renowned psychologist Howard Gardner challenged this reductionist approach in the 1980s by presenting his theory of Multiple Intelligences. This revolutionary theory holds that human intelligence cannot be reduced to a single measure, but rather is made up of various forms of intelligence, each with its own specific characteristics and abilities. As Gardner himself used to say, “When talking about intelligence, we have always used the singular when we should have used the plural”.

ACCORDING TO GARDNER, THERE ARE DIFFERENT MAIN TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE. Each of these intelligences represents a distinct cognitive ability and manifests itself uniquely in different individuals. This conception challenges the traditional belief that a high IQ score is the only indicator of intelligence and success in life.

Initially, in 1983, Gardner presented 7 TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE:

  1. LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE refers to the ability to use language effectively, both in oral and written communication. People with developed linguistic intelligence have easiness for expressing ideas, understanding abstract concepts, and using language persuasively.
  2. LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL intelligence focuses on the ability for logical reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thinking. People with this intelligence excel at pattern analysis, mathematical computation, and understanding abstract concepts.
  3. SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE is related to the ability to visualize and manipulate objects in space. People with developed spatial intelligence have skills in drawing, architectural design, navigation, and spatial orientation.
  4. MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE involves the ability to appreciate, compose, and perform music. People with this intelligence have a good sense of rhythm, acute hearing sensitivity, and the ability to express emotion through music.
  5. BODILY-KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCE refers to the ability to control body movement and coordinate motor skills. Athletes, dancers, and surgeons are examples of people with well-developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
  6. INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE is related to the ability to understand and relate to others. People with this intelligence are skilled at empathy, effective communication, and conflict resolution.
  7. INTRAPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE refers to the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, motivations, and strengths. People with this intelligence have a high degree of self-awareness and self-control.

In 1999 Gardner updated his book by adding 2 more types of intelligence:

  • Naturalistic intelligence involves the ability to recognize and classify patterns in nature, as well as to understand ecological systems. People with this intelligence have a special affinity with nature and may be experts in botany, zoology, or geology.
  • Existential intelligence is related to the sensitivity and ability to address deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why we die, and how we got here.

In my opinion, the important thing is not the exact number of intelligences that exist, but to come to understand that we all have multiple intelligences. Because as Howard Gardner himself said, “It’s not how smart you are that matters; what really counts is how you are smart”.

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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