In today's post our Guestblogger Fabián Villena explains how to deploy our "Intelligent Positive Attitude" to improve our personal brand.
Intelligent positive attitude and personal branding

How much time have you spent today choosing the clothes you wear? In the conferences I give, I usually find answers that range between 5 seconds and 5 minutes. It is a decision that has a certain degree of importance since our clothing gives information about us. Now, I think there is a much more relevant question: how much time have you spent today choosing the “Attitude” with which you are going to face the day? It is unusual to meet someone who has even taken a few seconds to decide the “Attitude” with which they want to live it. The paradox is that this decision will depend:

  • Your productivity.
  • Your sense of well-being.
  • Your ability to influence others (leadership).
  • The quality of your relationships, both professionally and personally.
  • Your ability to face the challenges that the day offers you.
  • The evolution of your personal branding.
  • Etc.

Your professional and personal success depends on the combination of your “Aptitude” (ability to do something) and your “Attitude” (your state of vibration with which you face life). Both aspects are necessary and essential, although the factor that differentiates the crack person from the majority is “Attitude”. Taking this into account, we can say that there are two types of people:

  1. Those that vibrate in mode HLY (Happily)
  2. Those that vibrate in mode BLY (Bitterly)

To recognize if we are in one tune or another, we have indicators. When we go to BLY we often complain, we blame others for our results, we suffer for things from the past or the future or we feel like victims of the circumstances.

On the other hand, when we tune in to our HLY side, we demonstrate a true “Intelligent Positive Attitude” (IPA), which consists especially of two things:

  1. Understand and accept reality.
  2. Enjoy the good things that life brings us and look for solutions when reality is not what we want.

It is not about being “Naive Optimist” and moving away from reality, but about understanding how life works and applying this maxim of Theodore Roosevelt: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”

Once the importance of tuning in HLY is internalized, the key question is how to go from HLY to BLY mode? in my book “Despliega tu Actitud Positiva Inteligente. 7 claves para disfrutar de la vida y el trabajo” I share, in addition to keys, very simple tools and tips to implement in your day-to-day life and improve your well-being and professional results.

Every morning when the alarm clock rings, you must choose whether to let yourself go in BLY mode or do your best to get into HLY tuning. This decision will mark the rest of the day and will also determine your “Personal Brand”, which is the mark you leave on the minds and hearts of others. Being a person people want to be with or not, is up to you. Generating trust, spreading enthusiasm, giving off professionalism and drawing a smile on the lips of those who think of you is possible by working on your Intelligent Positive Attitude.

The challenge of each day is to get closer to the utopia proposed by Teresa of Calcutta: “May each person who crosses your path leave happier”

Fabián Villena

Consultant, trainer, speaker and writer specializing in happiness and productivity

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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