Surround yourself with these 5 types of people

Have you thought about the importance of deciding which people you want to be around and which ones you don't? People who are a good influence to achieve your personal and professional goals. In this post we explain how.
Surround yourself with these 5 types of people

It is very important to choose well who you surround yourself with. Deciding which people, you want to be around and which ones you don’t. I wrote about it in my post “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you will become”. I am totally convinced that the people who are part of your environment, the people with whom you surround yourself, decisively mark your future. John C. Maxwell made it very clear in his book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”: if you want to develop good leadership, you must have an inner circle, a small group of strategically selected people who help you achieve your goals.

Regarding this idea of surrounding yourself with the right people, Bárbara Huson, an American coach, and mentor, explains in her book “Overcoming Underearning” that you should surround yourself with 5 types of people. 5 types of people you need to be around to do well in life and achieve success both professionally and personally. THESE 5 TYPES OF PEOPLE ARE THE FOLLOWING:

  1. TRUE BELIEVERS: are those people who firmly believe in you. And they believe in you regardless of your current situation or where you are. Loyal people who give you their unconditional support and help you continue in times of difficulty.
  2. CONFIDANTS AND COLLEAGUES: These are trusted friends who always have your back. People who will support you when you need it most. People you can turn to when needed.
  3. WAY SHOWERS are people who have followed the same path you are on. People who have arrived before you where you want to go. And they can share their experiences with you and guide you so that you too can get to where they have.
  4. MESSENGERS: they are people who have information that can be useful for your personal and professional challenges and are willing to share it with you. People who have knowledge that you do not have and may be relevant to continue with your project.
  5. NAYSAYERS: these are those people who think that you cannot do it, that you cannot achieve your goals. Pessimists, deniers. It may seem strange to want to have this kind of people around. In many cases, they can act as a motivational boost. When someone thinks or says that you cannot do anything can give you greater strength to achieve your goals. On many occasions, these detractors can be enemies, people who hate you or who want to hurt you. In other cases, they may be people who love you but may think that you cannot achieve your dreams, that it is better that you settle for less, and that you do not take risks to achieve what you really want. I’m sure you know what kind of people I mean.

Well, now you know what 5 types of people you should surround yourself with to achieve your goals. Remember that, as Barbara Hudson herself recommends “Feel the fear. Have doubts. But go for it anyway.”

And I finish with a quote from Barbara herself, which I love and perfectly sums up her way of understanding life: “All people who achieve little, without question, share a common trait: a high tolerance for low results”. So don’t settle and fight to achieve your goals.

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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