
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Effective leadership

Effective leadership

Do you know how to lead? Is your leadership effective? In this post we talk about the differences between being a leader and being an exceptional leader.

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The 10 - 10 - 10 rule

The 10 – 10 – 10 rule

In this post we talk about 3 powerful ideas to grow personally and professionally, through the identification and development of your talents and strengths.

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What do you do better than 10,000 other people?

What do you do better than 10.000 other people?

Have you ever wondered what you’re really good at or what natural talents you have? because the answer to these questions will determine the evolution of your professional career, the results you obtain and, of course, your level of professional and personal happiness.

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Multiply your performance by 6

Multiply your performance by 6

In this post we talk about the importance of discovering your talents and investing time in them instead of correcting your weaknesses, and how to multiply your performance by six by enhancing your strengths.

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25 Million CliftonStrengths Assessments

If you want to lead any team successfully, you must first know your strengths and how to use them productively. And then you have to help your team members to discover their own strengths and how to combine them with the other members of the group, can we help you?

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Great managers
High Performing Team

Great managers

In this post we talk about the importance of having a great manager, a professional who has the talents and strengths necessary to successfully manage the work team, and achieve the best results.

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Career well-being

Career well-being

Having a good level of caree well-being will be very important for your happiness and for your health, most people will never get it, in this post we give you some tips to try it.

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know your strengths

Do you know your strengths?

Do you know your strengths? Don’t stop reading today’s post, neither colleague and friend Katarína Medvecová, specialist in strengths, explains to us the importance of identifying and working on them.

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