
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

The leadership challenge

The leadership challenge

As you know, I love books on leadership, and today I am talking about one of the books that has taught me the most about what makes a leader excellent and achieves high performance in his or her teams.

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Leadership Lessons from Gandhi

Leadership Lessons from Gandhi

In this post I show you the phrases about leadership that have marked me the most, specifically from Gandhi, one of the most influential historical leaders in the world, don’t miss it.

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Servant Leadership
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Servant Leadership

In today’s post I want to talk to you about a leadership style that I really like, focused on principles such as empathy, altruism or team welfare, and with a more effective and lasting result.

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Leadership behind of a grocery cart
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Leadership behind a grocery cart

In today’s post our Guest blogger Allan Loria, explains, through an interesting story, his vision of leadership and the main conclusions he has reached in reference to this concept during his professional career. Don’t miss it.

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The Leap to Leadership
High Performing Team

The Leap to Leadership

Becoming a successful leader involves more than just having a title or a certain position, it is working on a mentality that requires clarity about who you are and what changes you must make, in this post we talk to you about them.

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Leadership: 7 key competencies

Leadership: 7 key competencies

Should you review your leadership style to make it more effective? Relationship, people, change, inspiration, critical thinking, communication and responsibility. We explain how.

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Leadership and Edward de Bono's 6 hats
High Performing Team

Leadership and Edward de Bono’s 6 hats

Making creative and innovative decisions is one of the challenges that many companies face in order to differentiate themselves. In this post, we show you an effective technique to achieve it.

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