
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”



In this post, we reflect on talent, performance, happiness and professional career, don’t miss it!

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know your strengths

Do you know your strengths?

Do you know your strengths? Don’t stop reading today’s post, neither colleague and friend Katarína Medvecová, specialist in strengths, explains to us the importance of identifying and working on them.

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The Three P’s of Optimism

Do you know how to face difficulties and emerge stronger from them? It is essential in these times. In this post you will find some tips to achieve it.

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Hedgehog concept
Hedgehog concept

The hedgehog concept

Do you know your hedgehog concept? It is the starting point to develop a personal brand and have a successful and meaningful life.

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Conocete mejor

Know yourself better

Are you a true stranger to yourself? I recommend that you analyze and review your passions, your talents and your values ​​to see if they are aligned with your goals.

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Potencia tu marca personal en tiempos de crisis

Boost your personal brand in times of crisis

We are facing a crisis of great and unknown proportions. No one knows how it will end, nor what will be its exact impact on the economy. However, it seems clear that the labor market is going to be very different from today.

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saber decir no

Learn to “say NO”

In a world like today it is important to have your priorities clear and turn them into the norms that govern your professional and personal life.

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