The other side of personal branding

In this post I want to share with you 4 interesting ideas, from my experience after more than 20 years helping professionals to improve their personal brand.
The other side of personal branding

I wanted to share with you some of the ideas that I shared in my presentation at the 7th edition of Personal Branding Lab Day held on Saturday, November 27, 2021. The central theme of the congress was “The other side of personal branding“, that is, understand what a personal brand training or consulting process looks like from the point of view of the student and the client. After more than 20 years helping hundreds of professionals with consulting and training to enhance their personal brand, I have discovered SOME BASIC IDEAS THAT I THINK MAY BE OF INTEREST TO YOU.

  1. People don’t want personal branding; they want the benefits that personal branding brings. It happens like the well-known example of marketing: nobody wants a drill, what people want is to be able to hang a picture. I wrote about this idea in my post “People don’t want personal branding”.
  2. More reaction than proaction. Many of the clients and students on personal branding projects are still more reactive than proactive. In many cases, they only care about their personal brand when they have a problem (a layoff, for example) or a big challenge (a possible promotion, for example). And in this sense I remember the well-known Japanese quote: “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, because today you would have shade; the second best time is today”. The same thing happens with personal branding. The sooner you take control of your brand, the better. Fortunately, little by little this situation is changing and conferences such as Personal Branding Lab Day help to do so. Wait no more and bet on your personal brand.
  3. The personal brand is not created. Many clients or students come up with the idea that they are going to create their brand. And their personal brand is not created, they have already had it for years. We all have a personal brand before receiving training or participating in a personal brand consulting process. What training and consulting can help you with is actively managing how you want to be perceived by others. To take charge of your personal brand and get your personal brand to work to help you achieve your goals.
  4. When people think of branding, they usually think of communication, of visibility. Also, many of the students or clients tend to think that managing the personal brand is basically a marketing or communication process. And I’m not saying that marketing and communication are not important, but managing personal branding is a much more comprehensive, much more holistic process. And in this more global vision of the brand, many more aspects intervene, such as self-knowledge (discovering your true talents and strengths, your motivations, your values ​​…) and your strategy (basically being clear about where you are, where you want to go and what path you will follow to get it).

Simply 4 ideas that are very present in most of the people who consider promoting their personal brand. I end with a quote by Lluís Martínez Ribes written in the prologue of my book “Desmárcate – desarrolla con éxito tu marca personal”. Lluís affirms that “Achieving notoriety for your personal brand is important and knowing how to give it the appropriate meaning is much more important.”

I share you the link to my participation in the Personal Branding Lab Day 2021

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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