Is leadership in politics important? I think a lot, and in my opinion it has to do with the ability to manage and solve problems for people, especially in moments as delicate and uncertain as the ones we live in.
The politicians I like

Yes, you read that correctly, I have written “the politicians I like”. This is not an oxymoron, or a joke. There are still some politicians I like, very few just a minority. Although I also have to admit that the ones I don’t like every time I like them less.

The current situation is really complex. The health crisis caused by the Covid19 virus is really serious. As the economic crisis that we are experiencing (and that I am afraid it will last many years) is also extremely serious. And to manage these huge challenges that we have globally, we have a really low political level. With a few exceptions, but with a really depressing low overall level. It’s my humble opinion, I hope no one will mind it. I also think that many people are also worried about the low level of most of our politicians. I hear and read daily sentences like “we are in the worst situation (health and economic) with the worst politicians” But, how should politicians be? Below I detail what characteristics politicians should have from my point of view. Now, how should politicians be? Below I detail what characteristics politicians should have from my point of view.

  1. Solid training. Sincerely, I believe that a top-level politician should be excellently trained. I expect from a politician a solid university education, if possible, with some postgraduate training that improves his training curriculum. It is also important they have a good level of languages; at least English; they should be able to hold meetings in this language fluently and correctly. 
  2. Relevant professional experience. I also think it is really essential for someone who wants to dedicate himself to politics (at least from certain levels) to have an outstanding professional experience. Before joining the politic world, people should have taken on challenges of a certain complexity. Besides, they should also have good experience in managing projects, teams … If they don’t have management experience, how are we going to ask them to manage our future and the future of our children? The politicians I like, have relevant experiences before assuming political positions and responsibilities.
  3. They understand politics as a service. The politicians I like join the politic world with a clear vocation for service. They love to use their knowledge and experience to manage the challenges of our society. They think about how to improve the situation of their people, their city, their country … Unfortunately, this is not the case for many of today’s politicians, more concerned with thinking about what they can get out of politics (a salary, placing friends and family …) than to think about what they can contribute to society.
  4. They understand that politics is temporary. I do not like politicians who their whole life in politics. The politicians I like join politics after a few years of experience. They have enough training and experience not to depend exclusively on politics for work. They know how to carry out their political responsibilities for a time and return to their professional activity in the private sphere when they consider it appropriate. In this sense, I recommend you see my post from last week “Knowing how and when to leave is a great virtue.” George B. Shaw Nobel Prize in Literature, said a quote that I love and that perfectly sums up this idea: Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently… both for the same reason”.
  5. They are honest and have a high level of integrity. You’re right, maybe I shouldn’t talk about something so basic and so obvious… But I want to. Honesty should be absolutely essential for any politician. The politicians I like are honest and have a high level of integrity. In other words, people you can trust. Basically, because what they say and do is totally aligned. As John F. Kennedy said “In politics it is like in mathematics: everything that is not totally correct is wrong”.

These are the 5 characteristics that the politicians I like have. If you compare them with our political class, although there are honorable exceptions, unfortunately they are not very common characteristics. Because in the end, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “If there is an idiot in power, it is because those who elected him are well represented”. 

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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