In this post I will explain what purpose is and the impact it has on both individuals and organizations, as it goes far beyond economic benefits and career progression.
The Purpose Effect

One of the best books I have read recently is “The Purpose Effect” by Dan Pontefract. This book explores the concept of purpose in the workplace, examining its impact on both individuals and organizations.

The author highlights the importance of purpose. Pontefract MAINTAINS THAT THE PURPOSE GOES BEYOND FINANCIAL BENEFITS AND CAREER PROGRESSION. IT’S ABOUT FINDING MEANING IN YOUR WORK AND CONTRIBUTING TO SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOURSELF. When personal purpose aligns with an organization’s purpose, it creates a “sweet spot” where employees feel engaged and satisfied.

The author points out that on certain occasions what he calls signs of misalignment occur, that is, when there is no alignment between personal and organizational purpose. In this sense, THE FOLLOWING CAUSES STAND OUT:

  • Disputes over remuneration and benefits: Money is important, but purpose provides a deeper sense of satisfaction.
  • Focus on profits over people: Companies that prioritize short-term profits often exploit employees and stifle their purpose.
  • Role Dissatisfaction: Feeling like your skills and values are not being used can lead to disengagement.
  • Rigid hierarchies and performance reviews: These systems can hinder collaboration and growth.


  • Elevating collective purpose above profits: focus on creating value for all stakeholders.
  • Fostering a culture of trust and autonomy: empower employees to contribute their talents.
  • Encouraging continuous development: Help employees discover their strengths and values.
  • Modeling purpose-driven behavior: Leaders set the tone of the organization.


  • Personal purpose: your values, your strengths and your unique aspirations.
  • Organizational purpose: the company’s mission and impact on society.
  • Role Purpose: How your individual role contributes to the organization’s purpose.

To reach the sweet spot, these three levels of purpose must align. To achieve this, Dan recommends people continually develop themselves, clarify their values, and seek roles that align with their purpose.

As Dan notes, “A specific goal we should contemplate is how to pursue a role in an organization that helps fulfill our personal sense of purpose.”

And he also recommends organizations craft a purpose statement, promote a purpose-driven culture, and empower employees. As Dan often says, “Take care of your employees and they will take care of their customers.”

In this way, cultivating purpose benefits everyone. On the one hand, greater commitment and innovation is achieved since employees are more motivated and creative. It also improves performance as purpose drives long-term growth and success. Plus, it increases employee loyalty and retention: people are more likely to stay with a purpose-driven organization. Finally, it should be noted that purpose offers a positive social impact since companies can contribute to a better world.

Ultimately, FINDING AND PURSUING PURPOSE IS A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY. When purpose is fostered at all levels, it results in a more meaningful and satisfying work experience for everyone.

I end with a quote from Dan that sums up this post:

“Every person deserves a life where they get paid to fulfill their purpose, in an organization that consciously chooses to do good.”

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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