“I’m talentist. I help organizations, managers and professionals reach peak performance by empowering their leadership and personal brand”



"The ability to transform vision into reality"


"None of us is as good as all of us"

Personal branding

"The footprint you leave in the others"



years of experience
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Let us help you ...

  • Turn your passion into a sustainable business
  • Reinvent yourself professionally
  • Position yourself in labor market
  • Be an effective leader
  • Get the most out of your team
  • Find and hire the best professionals
  • Be more successful

Our customers say



How to develop your personal brand successfully

The book is a complete guide to help you on the way to define your brand, validate it in the market and communicate it. You will be perceived as the most valuable person in your environment.

my blog

Los 3 capitales del talento

The 3 Capitals of Talent

In today’s post we will identify the three distinct dimensions that summarize an individual’s talent and potential, as it is paramount to understand the multifaceted nature of human capabilities. Don’t miss it.

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50 años, 50 libros (Parte II)

50 years, 50 books (Part II)

As I told you in my previous post, I continue to share with you the books that have marked me in my first half century of life, hoping that they will be as useful to you as they were to me.

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And don’t miss any of my posts!

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