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“My posts and experiences to help you improve your performance”

The leadership challenge

The leadership challenge

As you know, I love books on leadership, and today I am talking about one of the books that has taught me the most about what makes a leader excellent and achieves high performance in his or her teams.

Leadership Lessons from Gandhi

Leadership Lessons from Gandhi

In this post I show you the phrases about leadership that have marked me the most, specifically from Gandhi, one of the most influential historical leaders in the world, don’t miss it.

The Power of Non-Academic Skills
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The Power of Non-Academic Skills

In this post I talk to you about non-academic skills and their importance, and how they can affect people’s long-term success, not only professionally but also personally.

Dare to ask

Dare to ask

In this post I want to explain to you that you should not be afraid to ask, because on many occasions, taking the initiative can surprise you with beneficial results.

Who Are You Jealous Of?

Who Are You Jealous Of?

In today’s post I want to talk to you about “jealousy” as a positive emotion that, when well channeled, can act as fuel to achieve your ambitions.

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Do you need help to achieve your goals? In this post I recommend some guiding principles that will help you achieve success, not only in your professional career, also in life.

Watch out for burnout

Watch out for burnout

In today’s post I want to talk to you about a problem that is too common to ignore, which affects a large number of professionals today, which is why I leave you some ideas that can help you in this regard.

How to Create Memorable Messages

How to Create Memorable Messages

In today’s post I talk to you about how to create memorable messages, because for both your personal and corporate brand, it is a necessity to transmit messages that are remembered, to “leave a mark.” Don’t miss it.

The Power of Next
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The Power of “Next”

In today’s post, as in another from a few weeks ago, I talk to you about a necessary and powerful change in attitude towards success, the use of the word “next” to continue working on improvement, growth and personal development. . Don’t miss it.

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