
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

The Circle of Competence
Professional career

The Circle of Competence

In this post we reflect on the importance of operating within our circle of competence, with the aim of increasing our self-confidence and effectiveness. I’ll tell you how to get it.

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The Purpose Effect

The Purpose Effect

In this post I will explain what purpose is and the impact it has on both individuals and organizations, as it goes far beyond economic benefits and career progression.

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Multiple intelligences
Personal Branding

Multiple intelligences

In this post we talked about a theory of Howard Gardner that revolutionized the concept of human intelligence, and that explained that this concept is difficult to analyze only with the IQ.

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What to do when you have several passions
Personal Branding

What to do when you have several passions

In this post I give you some ideas that will help you if you have several passions and you don’t know how to manage and complement each other, in case you are one of those people who enjoys variety and who does not like to limit themselves to a specific field.

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Effective leadership

Effective leadership

Do you know how to lead? Is your leadership effective? In this post we talk about the differences between being a leader and being an exceptional leader.

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The 10 - 10 - 10 rule

The 10 – 10 – 10 rule

In this post we talk about 3 powerful ideas to grow personally and professionally, through the identification and development of your talents and strengths.

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