
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

The Power of Next
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The Power of “Next”

In today’s post, as in another from a few weeks ago, I talk to you about a necessary and powerful change in attitude towards success, the use of the word “next” to continue working on improvement, growth and personal development. . Don’t miss it.

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The art of knowing when to quit

The art of knowing when to quit

In this post I explain why phrases like “never give up” or “winners never quit” have very little scientific rigor. Giving up on time is also an art and you must learn to do it.

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The 3 Greatest Enemies of Success

The 3 Greatest Enemies of Success

If you feel you need to improve and invest in your personal development, be sure to read this post, in it we talk about the 3 enemies of success according to the expert Bryan Tracy and how to overcome them.

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4 keys to change your habits

4 keys to change your habits

In this post we present some keys to improve your habits and introduce new and more effective behaviors into your life. And we recommend some of the best books in this regard.

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Metodo 20 70 10

The 20-70-10 method

In today’s post I want to talk about people management, using the method of a manager that I have always liked for his leadership style.

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ask listen and offer

Three steps; ask, listen and offer

Today we leave you a very interesting post from our Guest blogger Michael Dauphinee, in it, this fantastic Coach offers us some of his advice to be better leaders and make our world a better place.

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