
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

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And If the cost of your dismissal was zero?

Have you ever thought about your level of employability? Does your employer keep you because you add value or because you are expensive to dismiss? In this post I help you ask yourself this uncomfortable question and analyze the importance of improving your employability.

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The 6 big changes in people management

The 6 big changes in people management

Everything has changed a lot in recent years and in this new era that we live in we must change the way we manage people, that is why in this post we suggest some of the changes that we think may be definitive to improve your results.

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Brands do not expire
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Brands do not expire (at least the real ones)

In today’s post we introduce you to our Guest Blogger Allan Loría, Coach of soft skills, expert in communication, leadership and personal branding, who will explain, through an interesting story, why brands do not expire. Thanks Allan for your great reflections.

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Salary and happiness

Salary and happiness

The remuneration policy is one of the most important aspects of the management and management of companies and organizations today, because there is not enough to pay your employees well, you must also enhance their happiness in the company, that’s why we leave you some tips in this post.

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Employability vs Coronavirus

Employability vs Coronavirus

In this post, Sílvia Forés talks about employability at the current moment, uncertainty should not paralyze us, because there may be opportunities to take advantage of that will not be available in the future.

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