
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Por qué necesitas un coach 090724
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Why you need a coach

Do you want to clarify the idea you have about the value of coaching, what a coach is and how he can help you? Don’t miss this post.

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Be your own coach

Be your own coach

In this post we talk about the importance of having support for the management of your talent and your personal brand, and as we know that not everyone can afford a coach, we leave you with some tips to be your own coach.

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Personal Brandig Lab Day 2021

10 lessons from the personal branding lab day 2021

In today’s post I want to share 10 ideas about personal branding that I have found very interesting and that in some way have resonated with me, 10 lessons from some of the fantastic leaders of this discipline with whom we had the satisfaction of sharing the great day of the Personal Branding Lab Day 2021

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25 Million CliftonStrengths Assessments

If you want to lead any team successfully, you must first know your strengths and how to use them productively. And then you have to help your team members to discover their own strengths and how to combine them with the other members of the group, can we help you?

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In today’s post we define what a mentor is and explain how it can help you in your personal and professional development, and ultimately add value to your career.

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You need a mentor

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to materialize a mentorship experience. Some of them because they think they don’t need any guide, and others because they don’t dare to ask for advice, or they don’t know how to be mentored by someone.

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