
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

The Eisenhower Matrix
Continuous improvement

The Eisenhower Matrix

Do you arrive at the office and your urgent tasks don’t let you take control and prioritize what’s important? In this post I tell you how to distribute your time to organize your daily workload.

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4000 weeks

4.000 Weeks

In this post we will reflect on the hustle and the obsessive productivity that dominates our lives. For it is necessary to recognize that our life is finite, to discover what really matters and learn to live in the present moment.

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Teamwork and Google
add value

Teamwork and Google

Today we are talking about some keys to improve the results of your teams, specifically those shared by the company Google, after conducting studies for more than 2 years on their templates.

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Less is more

Less is more

In today’s post we want to propose 6 ideas to help you improve your personal and professional performance, simply by simplifying some things and doing less, because in general, less is more.

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How to write
add value

How to write

In today’s post we are talking about an increasingly important competition in the professional world, writing well, not only to improve your personal brand and leadership, but also to persuade others, and we do it with 10 tips from the renowned publicist David Ogilvy.

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Work smarter, not harder

Work smarter, not harder

In today’s post we talk about the importance of organizing well, we leave you 10 ideas so that by working less and better, you will be able to improve your productivity and be happier personally and professionally.

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Pressure 021121
Emotional intelligence


In today’s post we want to explain how very low or very high levels of pressure are not positive for anyone, you should try to place yourself in an intermediate point and you will increase the results and well-being, yours and those around you.

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What are your metrics?
Continuous improvement

What are your metrics?

The first step to improve performance in any personal or professional field is to control the metrics, follow the evolution of the main indicators, unfortunately most of us do not take them into account, in this post I give you some ideas to improve this strategy.

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The shultz hour

The Shultz Hour

If most of your tasks are urgent but not important and you do not have time to think on strategic or long-term issues, I recommend applying the The Shultz Hour theory to your day to day, your productivity will thank you.

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