Reinvent yourself professionally

“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

3 keys to refocus your professional career

3 keys to refocus your professional career

If you think that at some point in your life you will have to reorient your professional career, either out of conviction or necessity, be sure to read this post, in it we will give you some clues on how to do it in the best conditions

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In today’s post we talk about the book “Recalculating” by Lindsey Pollak, and some tips to help professionals reinvent themselves and adapt to an increasingly changing and uncertain professional environment and learn to successfully reinvent themselves professionally.

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Personal branding

People don’t want personal branding

Do you know the benefits that managing your personal branding can bring you? Some, such as finding a job, reinventing yourself professionally or taking advantage of a professional opportunity, are explained in this post.

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And why don't you go freelance?

Why don’t you go freelance?

The economic situation will cause considerable increases in unemployment and greater job insecurity in most countries of the world and being a freelancer may be a good option for the future.

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The pleasure of work

The pleasure of work

It would be interesting if you try to discover what you really like to do and look for jobs or responsibilities in the fields or activities that you really love to do. It is not easy but it is worth a try.

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Perfect storm

The perfect storm

Adapting to crisis situations in the best possible way and working on your personal brand will differentiate you, I leave you some ideas to achieve it.

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Potencia tu marca personal en tiempos de crisis

Boost your personal brand in times of crisis

We are facing a crisis of great and unknown proportions. No one knows how it will end, nor what will be its exact impact on the economy. However, it seems clear that the labor market is going to be very different from today.

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