
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Watch out for burnout

Watch out for burnout

In today’s post I want to talk to you about a problem that is too common to ignore, which affects a large number of professionals today, which is why I leave you some ideas that can help you in this regard.

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In a world like today’s, learning from stoicism can help you better manage your personal and professional challenges. In this post I explain what it consists of and how to approach it

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The 4 agreements

The 4 agreements

In this post I talk about 4 key principles that, as a code of conduct and personal transformation, can help you become a better and happier person.

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Happy holidays

Happy holidays

Summer is here and with it the holydays, and I didn’t want to waste this fantastic period to share with you 5 tips that will help you to make the most of these days and come back with your batteries a full.

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4000 weeks

4.000 Weeks

In this post we will reflect on the hustle and the obsessive productivity that dominates our lives. For it is necessary to recognize that our life is finite, to discover what really matters and learn to live in the present moment.

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Take advantage of the holidays

Take advantage of the holidays

If you are going to be on holidays, take the opportunity to rest, without forgetting that rest periods are excellent to devote some of your time to improve and invest in your well-being and personal growth. In this post we leave you some tips to achieve it.

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Discover your dream job

Discover your dream job

Are you aware of how many hours of your life you will spend working? That is why it is important to look for a job that you are passionate about and that will help you to have a happier life. In this post we leave you some clues to achieve it.

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