
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Be yourself

Be yourself

In this post I talk about the importance of being yourself, because in a world like the one we live in, working on authenticity will lead you to strengthen your personal brand and be happier.

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Multiple intelligences
Personal Branding

Multiple intelligences

In this post we talked about a theory of Howard Gardner that revolutionized the concept of human intelligence, and that explained that this concept is difficult to analyze only with the IQ.

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Dick Fosbury

Dick Fosbury

In this post we talk about Dick Fosbury’s secret to success and his famous “Fosbury-style leap”, to show that the “inventors” of new ideas are not always the most successful, but rather those who know how to apply them.

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In this post, we reflect on talent, performance, happiness and professional career, don’t miss it!

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Be your own coach

Be your own coach

In this post we talk about the importance of having support for the management of your talent and your personal brand, and as we know that not everyone can afford a coach, we leave you with some tips to be your own coach.

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5 ways to adopt strengths in your leadership
High Performing Team

5 ways to adopt strengths in your leadership

In today’s post, our guest blogger Dan Collinson explains to us how important it is not only to know our strengths, but also to incorporate them into our leadership style and use them correctly. Thank you Dan for your wise and practical advice.

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