Personal Branding

“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

How to Create Memorable Messages

How to Create Memorable Messages

In today’s post I talk to you about how to create memorable messages, because for both your personal and corporate brand, it is a necessity to transmit messages that are remembered, to “leave a mark.” Don’t miss it.

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8 Sayings about Personal Branding
Personal Branding

8 Sayings about Personal Branding

In today’s post we are talking about “sayings”, those traditional and commonly used sayings that are part of the culture and wisdom of a place, and that today we will use to understand some of the principles of personal branding.

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Los 3 capitales del talento

The 3 Capitals of Talent

In today’s post we will identify the three distinct dimensions that summarize an individual’s talent and potential, as it is paramount to understand the multifaceted nature of human capabilities. Don’t miss it.

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Leadership and trust

Leadership and trust

In this post I tell you that leadership and trust inevitably go hand in hand, and I talk about 10 actions to get to lead your team achieving high levels of confidence.

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In today’s post I’m going to talk to you about a tool that is quite unknown
but very powerful tool that can help you shape and significantly impact your development.

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The road less traveled

In this post I explain why I am more in favor of leaving the most common road and almost always opt for the road less traveled, rather than adopting uniformity. Don’t miss it.

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