Continuous improvement

“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Who Are You Jealous Of?

Who Are You Jealous Of?

In today’s post I want to talk to you about “jealousy” as a positive emotion that, when well channeled, can act as fuel to achieve your ambitions.

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How to Create Memorable Messages

How to Create Memorable Messages

In today’s post I talk to you about how to create memorable messages, because for both your personal and corporate brand, it is a necessity to transmit messages that are remembered, to “leave a mark.” Don’t miss it.

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The Eisenhower Matrix
Continuous improvement

The Eisenhower Matrix

Do you arrive at the office and your urgent tasks don’t let you take control and prioritize what’s important? In this post I tell you how to distribute your time to organize your daily workload.

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Por qué necesitas un coach 090724
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Why you need a coach

Do you want to clarify the idea you have about the value of coaching, what a coach is and how he can help you? Don’t miss this post.

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50 años, 50 libros (Parte II)
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50 years, 50 books (Part II)

As I told you in my previous post, I continue to share with you the books that have marked me in my first half century of life, hoping that they will be as useful to you as they were to me.

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50 años, 50 libros (Parte I)
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50 years, 50 books (Part I)

I recently turned 50 years old and I would like to share with you the titles of the 50 books that have marked me in this half century of life, hoping that they mark you as much as they did me.

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Not today

In today’s post we tell you the story of Rosa Parks, and its similarity with the possibility of saying NO to the obstacles that hinder your personal development.

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The 5 second rule

The 5 second rule

Are you one of those who doubts and often procrastinates? In this post we teach you a methodology that will help you stop doing it and thus improve your personal and professional development and productivity. Don’t miss it.

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The 3 Greatest Enemies of Success

The 3 Greatest Enemies of Success

If you feel you need to improve and invest in your personal development, be sure to read this post, in it we talk about the 3 enemies of success according to the expert Bryan Tracy and how to overcome them.

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