Why employees leave and how to avoid it
In today’s post I talk about a real and alarming problem for many of our companies; staff turnover. And some tips to reverse this growing and alarming trend.
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”
In today’s post I talk about a real and alarming problem for many of our companies; staff turnover. And some tips to reverse this growing and alarming trend.
In this post I share 10 ideas from Gallup to make the most of and improve your strengths, so that these skills or personal traits allow you to excel in the areas of your life and work.
In this post I talk to you about 5 effective actions that can significantly improve your leadership and the results of your team.
Should you review your leadership style to make it more effective? Relationship, people, change, inspiration, critical thinking, communication and responsibility. We explain how.
In today’s post, we want to share with you some of the most common behaviors of great leaders according to Gallup, and that can make the difference between a mediocre leader and an exceptional leader.
Do you know what your calling is? It is very important that you discover it, and for this in this post I leave you 5 questions to ask yourself, to help you discover it.
In this post we talk about 3 powerful ideas to grow personally and professionally, through the identification and development of your talents and strengths.
Today’s post is the continuation of the previous one and in it we have just explained some of Michael Port’s tips to align your business and professional activity with the lifestyle you want.
In this post we explain some of Michael Port’s tips to accompany leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals to think big about who they are, and what they offer to the world and thus be able to design their business and professional activity so that it is at the service of the lifestyle what they want
Have you ever wondered what you’re really good at or what natural talents you have? because the answer to these questions will determine the evolution of your professional career, the results you obtain and, of course, your level of professional and personal happiness.