
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Behaviors of great leaders

Behaviors of great leaders

In today’s post, we want to share with you some of the most common behaviors of great leaders according to Gallup, and that can make the difference between a mediocre leader and an exceptional leader.

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The legacy

The legacy

With this post we want you to reflect on your field and think about your influence on others, but above all, what legacy will you leave them when you are gone.

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Leadership in times of crisis

Leadership in times of crisis

Leading has never been an easy challenge, much less in such a prolonged situation of crisis and uncertainty as the current one, which is why we think you should rethink your leadership to adapt and improve, and in this post we leave you with some advice on what your needs are followers and how to deal with them.

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You need a mentor

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to materialize a mentorship experience. Some of them because they think they don’t need any guide, and others because they don’t dare to ask for advice, or they don’t know how to be mentored by someone.

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7 hábiros para influir

7 habits to be more influential

It is impossible to be a leader or have a powerful personal brand if you are not able to influence others, and there will be no leadership and personal branding if changes are not promoted

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Conocete mejor

Know yourself better

Are you a true stranger to yourself? I recommend that you analyze and review your passions, your talents and your values ​​to see if they are aligned with your goals.

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