
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

The Purpose Effect

The Purpose Effect

In this post I will explain what purpose is and the impact it has on both individuals and organizations, as it goes far beyond economic benefits and career progression.

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The art of knowing when to quit

The art of knowing when to quit

In this post I explain why phrases like “never give up” or “winners never quit” have very little scientific rigor. Giving up on time is also an art and you must learn to do it.

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September, the new January

September, back to work

The holidays are over and it’s back to work, and that’s why in this post I leave you some tips to make the most of this moment and resume improving your professional career.

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The Harada method

The Harada method

Do you know the Harada method? Today we explain the interesting thing about this approach to personal and business improvement, based on the idea that all people have the ability to improve with clear goals and a structured process to achieve them.

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4 keys to change your habits

4 keys to change your habits

In this post we present some keys to improve your habits and introduce new and more effective behaviors into your life. And we recommend some of the best books in this regard.

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Do you know the importance that data will have in decision-making and your day to day life? In today’s post I summarize 8 ideas about data, compiled in a conference by Fernando de la Rosa, one of the best consultants and specialists I know in this discipline.

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The long game

The long game

In this post, we review this fantastic book by Dorie Clark, and summarize 8 powerful ideas to help you achieve your long-term goals combined with your short-term goals, successfully and meaningfully.

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