
“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Discover your dream job

Discover your dream job

Are you aware of how many hours of your life you will spend working? That is why it is important to look for a job that you are passionate about and that will help you to have a happier life. In this post we leave you some clues to achieve it.

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The 6 big changes in people management

The 6 big changes in people management

Everything has changed a lot in recent years and in this new era that we live in we must change the way we manage people, that is why in this post we suggest some of the changes that we think may be definitive to improve your results.

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Employability vs Coronavirus

Employability vs Coronavirus

In this post, Sílvia Forés talks about employability at the current moment, uncertainty should not paralyze us, because there may be opportunities to take advantage of that will not be available in the future.

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Personal branding tips

Interview with Xavi Roca about personal branding

In this post we leave you an interview with Xavi Roca on personal branding, on how and when to work on it and enhance it to differentiate ourselves as professionals, in it, Ana Madalina Chiratcu, Student of the Master in Social Media Marketing at the University of Lleida, asks on some of the strategic axes of personal branding.

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How to find a job

How to find a job

It is very possible that when you read this post, you are looking for a job, either because you have been fired, because you think they are going to do it shortly or simply because you want a professional change. In any case, finding job in such a complex environment is not an easy challenge.

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