My 25 favourite books
- Authentic happiness. 2002. Martin E. P. Seligman.
- Drive. 2010. Daniel H. Pink
- First, break all the rules. 1999. Gallup press.
- Flow. 1990 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Free agent nation. 2002. Daniel H. Pink
- Good to Great. 2001. Jim Collins
- How will you measure your life? 2012. Clayton M. Christensen
- Man’s search for meaning. 1946. Viktor J. Frankl
- Outliers. 2008. Malcom Gladwell
- Positioning. 1981. Al Ries & Jack Trout.
- Shoe dog. 2016. Phil H. Knight.
- Start with why. Simon Sinek.
- Steve Jobs. 2011. Walter Isaacson
- The competent manager. 1982. Richard Boyatzis
- The element. 2009. Sir Ken Robinson
- The everything store. 2014. Brad Stone
- The genius in all of us. 2010. David Shenk
- The how of Happiness. 2008. Sonja Lyubomirsky
- The power of habit. 2012. Charles Duhigg
- The 7 habits of highly effective people. 1.989. Stephen R. Covey
- The 8 traits successful people have in common. 2005. Richard St. John
- What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School. 1984. Mark H. McCormack
- Winners. 2015. Alastair Campbell.
- Winning. 2005. Jack Welch
- Zero to one. 2014. Peter Thiel.