In an online world like the one we live in, understanding how to maximize the benefits of social networks is essential. In this post I present 7 keys to achieve it.
Social Media

We are living in a world where social media are crucial for most professionals and companies around the world. In such an online world, understanding how to get the most out of social media is decisive. One of my references regarding Social Media is Gary Vaynerchuck. Gary is a serial entrepreneur and a social media and personal branding expert. I share with you THE SEVEN KEY PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT, according to Vaynerchuck.

  1. AUTHENTICITY. First and foremost, authenticity reigns supreme. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of genuine connection. Your audience can discern sincerity from a facade, so always stay true to yourself and your brand. So, be authentic and be true to yourself. As Oscar Wilde said: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
  2. PASSION. Passion fuels perseverance. Whether it’s for your product, your journey, or the entrepreneurial process, genuine passion becomes the driving force during challenging times. It’s the fuel that keeps the engine running. As Gary Vaynerchuck says, “Skills are cheap, passion is priceless”.
  3. PATIENCE. Often overlooked, it is an invaluable virtue. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a loyal following. Embrace the journey, understanding that building something meaningful takes time.
  4. HARD WORK. Success rarely visits those who spend their time idly. Engage, connect, and invest effort consistently. Building relationships and creating quality content demand dedication. As Gary says frequently “Effort is grossly underrated”.
  5. SPEED. Speed matters in a fast-paced world. Being attuned to current trends and platforms is crucial. Adaptation and quick action in response to changes keep your content relevant and engaging.
  6. INTENT. Intent shapes perception. Entrepreneurs driven solely by profits fall short. The most impactful influencers and entrepreneurs thrive on altruism. Their focus is on offering value, solving problems, and aiding others on their journey.
  7. ALTRUISM. Align your efforts with altruistic values. Your intent should revolve around service and genuine assistance. It’s not just about what you gain but also about what you give. This approach not only fosters sustainable success but also brings fulfillment.

Remember, SUCCESS ISN’T MERELY MEASURED BY MONETARY GAINS; IT’S ABOUT MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND LEAVING A POSITIVE IMPACT. Embrace these principles, and your social media endeavors will flourish, leaving a legacy of value and authenticity.

And I finish with a quote by Gary Vaynerchuck that perfectly encapsulates his view on social media: “Maybe don’t call it social media. Maybe don’t call it anything. Just be human and tell your story”.

I recommend you some books by Gary Vaynerchuck:

Xavi Roca

I am Talentist, I help organizations, managers and professionals to achieve high performance through enhancing their leadership and personal brand. I am passionate about leadership, high performance team management and Personal Branding, and I have dedicated my professional career to helping companies and professionals develop and enhance their talents and strengths to achieve their maximum development and performance.

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