Effective leadership

“Mis artículos, experiencias y vivencias para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento”

Leadership and trust

Leadership and trust

In this post I tell you that leadership and trust inevitably go hand in hand, and I talk about 10 actions to get to lead your team achieving high levels of confidence.

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Managing by walking around

Managing by walking around

Have you ever thought about how to make your leadership more effective? In this post I explain how important it is to get out of your comfort zone and get closer to your followers.

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Effective leadership

Effective leadership

Do you know how to lead? Is your leadership effective? In this post we talk about the differences between being a leader and being an exceptional leader.

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The legacy

The legacy

With this post we want you to reflect on your field and think about your influence on others, but above all, what legacy will you leave them when you are gone.

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